Friday, March 6, 2009


Tommorrow our little man will be 5 months old!  I know I say this all the time but I honestly can't believe how fast he's growing up!  He's still very much a helpless, totally dependant baby but at the same time he's starting to feel so old!  He's got quite the personality.  He's usually very sweet, he smiles all time, loves being tickled, looking in mirrors, rolling over, napping with mom and dad, kicking on his changing table, splashing in the bath tub, Wednesdays with Grandma, big puppy kisses from Scout, going on walks in the stroller, and watching tv (don't judge me).  He's not a big fan of his car seat (because of this I fear I'm becoming a hermit, thank goodness it's getting warmer out!), cold bottles, sleeping through the night (especially if it means having to stay in his crib and not in our bed), sitting (he'd rather stand), and of course he can't stand being ignored!! :)  I find myself loving him more and more everyday.  Here's to our prince!


michelle said...

Im sorry I haven't checked your blog in a while! He's so precious and I love seeing pictures of him!

michelle said...

Dude, what happened to you blogging?!